A Fit My Feet kit contains two soles, two straps, and a tracing paper
Slip the tracing paper under the feet and trace it, using the marking holes.
Cut out the trace and punch matching holes for a perfect foundation.
Wrap the straps around the feet and trim them to the required size.
Thread the straps through the holes, adjust for comfort and glue them.
Let the glue bond, and voilĂ ! Your custom Fit My Feet slippers are good to go!

A unique kit
for every feet

Fit My Feet is India's pioneering cobbler-powered footwear solution, designed exclusively for those with clubfoot. Our innovative kits empower cobblers to handcraft customized slippers that perfectly suit the requirements of individuals with clubfoot.

Our Process

Feel free to skip the text. Our illustrations tell the whole story. But hey, if you're into reading, we won't hold you back.

Meet the Mochis

Street cobblers, also known as 'Mochis', are the channel through which Fit My Feet kits are made available to those in need.

Their deeply rooted network and timeless tools capable of crafting or repairing any footwear imaginable ensure the widespread accessibility of Fit My Feet kits.

Tracing the world with Fit My Feet

Clubfoot isn't just a challenge confined
to India. It's global.

And that's why we're sharing our toolkit
far and wide! Because let's face it. Everyone deserves comfort and confidence in their stride.


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